Project Locations
In Peru the ( COVID-19 ) disproportionately affects indigenous peoples and Communities where the elderly are the most vulnerable The pandemic has also made clear the deficiencies in relation between indigenous peoples and the government, which is difficult to ignore. We also know that in indigenous communities the elderly are the ones who keep and sustain ancestral knowledge and are the ones who traditionally transmit the knowledge of their culture to the new generations of the community.


Maloka Spiritual Knowledge Centre
Continuing the legacy of the Shipibo-Konibo culture through the building of the Maloka Spiritual Knowledge Centre.
Arhuaca Lanaguage Revitalization
A call from the Heart of the Earth for your support in the preservation of the Arhuaca native language.
Messages from Turtle Island Wisdom Keepers
A message from the Elders and Wisdom Keepers of Turtle Island (North America).